Step UP Step OUT
Holding back is what you've done before
Time to step up, step out to what is yours
Keeping your gifts tucked away and hidden
Purpose is HERE this is your mission
Dear EveryBeauty,
For too long I have withheld, withdrawn, been too sheepish, been too scared, too shy, too timid to step up and step out! I have GIFTS to give to all humanity! My ego has kept me scared to share what I have to offer the world. I am 28 turning 29 this year and I have certifications to "PROVE" to the ego that I am certified to share what I can give. These are currently IN PROGRESS but 80% finished, let me tell ya:
1.) Bachelors Degree in Metaphsyical Sciences (Master's Degree by the end of the year)
2.) Professional Cuddler (Ethical Touch Therapist by the end of the year)
3.) 200hr Yoga Teacher
4.) 25hr Meditation Teacher
5.) Sound Healing Therapist (Finished by end of the year)
Now after all my schooling that I will be "DOING" this year, I do feel I need to wait, BUT I can easily do tarot card readings and print out my oracle cards and bake goodies for people (among others)! With all my "certifications" they are only a piece of paper. There is a saying that my mom always says, that is dear to my heart, "You got the job, but can you DO the job". After all my schooling, I've only felt comfortable "receiving" and not "giving" as I feel I need to "wait" for more knowledge before I step out and get paid. But really in all actuality, money and having a job is only an energy exchange (excluding the fact that there is a hamster wheel build within the structure of the paradigm; working just to eat and have shelter which is bonkers at a soul level). Sooooo this year (after MANY, MANY psychic readings), it is time to share my vlogs, blogs, oracle cards, tarot readings & others I feel called to give. My oracle cards are in production and rest assured they ARE in process. They were in the back burner but after COUNTLESS psychic readings, I neeeeeddd to share my soulself goodies to the world!! 💖
Just yesterday I had to say goodbye to a soul that helped me for 10 years but our vibrations just last year and this year just were not matching. So A definite bifurcation of worlds are splitting! After speaking my truth to this person (as difficult as it was) I actually feel free to start to step up and DO/BE my soul mission. Doing my "homework" for Yoga Teacher Training I'll be teaching 6 classes and creating a 3 hour workshop. Plus doing a 10 hr self-study of meditation so I'm excited! AND finish my short story for my Masters Degree (among others). A fire has been lit and I'm riding it! Time to check all the boxes on my to BE list and DO them! 😍 OR is it To Do list and BE them! 😉
My heart is exploding with excitement for NOW embracing the unimaginable and moving forward with faith and resilience! More is yet to come. 💫
As I am a reflection of you, see me in you and know you too have SoulSelf gifts to share to humanity whatever that my look like. 😃
That's all for now Lovelies!
Luv you,
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" It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~ E. E. Cummings |
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