Turned 30!

That chapter is now done

A new blank page in sight 

Now time to face the sun

And finally step into my divine Bright 


Dear EveryBeauty, 

I honestly don't know how to start this post. A lot of changes have occurred in my life that I don't know if I'm going got be able to tell you everything. But here I am, I'm going to do my very best. 

So June 18th of this year I turned 30 years old. I currently don't have a boyfriend/husband/partner, kids, house, boat, car, career or a drivers licence. I thought that building a career in the metaphysics was my path to success. Just stepping outside of the matrix and doing it straight on would work. But I've found that it's quite isolating if you don't have many social skills and aren't a social person. So after a traumatic experience March 15th of this year and finding out about my mothers health this year, it's changed my perspective on life in general in a HUGE way. 

My views on food have changed dramatically. I'm open to eating fish, chicken, eggs, meat and even sugar. Seeing how balance is truly the way and not being strictly clean or strictly eating junk food. Viewing food in a balanced 80/20 view. Seeing that I can have junk food if I want so I don't restrict myself from such a substance. Balance is the key word here that I'm taking towards food. I've NEVER viewed food in this way. NEVER! So if I get to have my kale salad, celery juice, spinach smoothies and still have chocolate & chocolate chips cookies... sign me up! 

My view of work/career/job service have completely changed as well. Offering a Tarot-Reiki service is a lovely offering and I'm so blessed I can do such a thing. But I've experienced that it is a very heart chakra to crown chakra kinda service, there is no physical labour to keep me grounded. I'm realizing I need a very grounding service so I can then continue on with such a service. I've have many thoughts of getting into massage therapy (offering that). 

Since moving back into a city (living by myself), I'm realizing I NEED (for my mental/emotional/physical health), a physical & social job. A type of job that is on a team and is a physically demanding job. Working with crystals, cards and energy is lovely but my body is needing movement and challenges to sustain a healthy physical vehicle. I need BALANCE. Working with my root-sacral-solar plexus for the physical/social & heart-throat-third eye-crown for the spiritual/non-phsyical aspect. I believe this is a beautiful and a healthy perspective of what I need moving forward. 

I've also realized that I eat by myself WAYYYY too much and it's very, very, very lonely. I've even developed depression for eating alone every day for all my meals. Plus not living close to true nature is quite depressing. Living in a cubicle of a box is starting to tamper with my mental health. So I've been craving eating with people on the daily. Tired of eating by myself. Done it, I can now check if off my bucket list. 

To summarize, I'm craving community and balance in all aspects of my life. 

I have grand plans for my 30's! Ones I never thought I could accomplish but I'm truly realizing them and keeping them in my heart/soul to discuss with my Higher Self on the daily. 

I did get a job at a lovely coffee shop working as a bakery assistant, starting in August. But to be honest, I don't know how I'm going to survive till then. I'm having a tough time not slipping into depression.

But I do have tools: eft, visualization, meditation, yoga, singing, guitar therapy, mantras, gratitude... to name a few to keep me afloat. 

That's all for now.

Take care,

Jasmine xoxo


Word of the Month



: the act of whispering into something 

"I found that with depression, one of the most important things you could realize
is that you are not alone." ~ Dwayne Johnson 



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