Telling A Vision Encoding
A passive medium that gets in my brain
Filling my mind with your chocking power train
All I need is to receive in a lax state
For this medial thing has built my mental fate
After awakening to this game called physical reality
I'm standing sovereign in my golden mission key
Dear EveryBeauty,
I cannot help but see the INCREDIBLE power tel-a-vision (aka Television Programming) has on a person's emotional. mental, physical and spiritual state. After delving deep into the rabbit hole of awakening (deeper than I was comfortable in), I've come to realize that seemingly non-threatening tv shows (which I loved and enjoyed) have become rotten and sour in my "relaxed" mental state. I used to love "reality" tv shows which is a minefield of half-truths and straight out lies (not knowing which acts/words/feelings from certain people are real or are "coerced/manipulated" by producers, making it tv worthy). After knowing that reality tv show isn't healthy for my mental state, I started to believe that straight out fictional tv shows were safe and healthy. Knowing that it was purely scripted nothing was real, felt safe to know the blood and deaths were fake. But a few weeks into watching these fictional tv shows WHILE delving deeper into my awakening (around was is happening amid 2020), I started to realize that even fictional tv shows weren't even mentally "safe" per say.
Loved the tv show Modern Family but then there were certain phrases and acts that just didn't feel right (once I started to really get immersed in the show). As watching any tv show, your mental/emotional/spiritual/physical self IS immersed even if you don't know it. So after acknowledging my "not so good feelings", I decided to leave as I felt I couldn't keep passively agreeing with their narrative which was difficult (and felt disheartening). Moving on down to this now moment, I started watching American Housewife an ABC tv show (a comedy none-the-less) and I thought it was a comfortable, non intrusive, brain-washy show (light and fluffy). Little did I know.... NOPE Even this show has small, difficult to detect to, innuendoes that spoke positively to a narrative that I personally don't believe in. Yes she's a curvy mother in a skinny world, that I can support BUT once watching more episodes that now once "awakened" (no longer asleep while awake) state of being, as I can only speak about my path, I decided to stop watching that.
Many tv shows now and some movies have dwindled in merit value for me. The only great movies comes from Happy Hallmark movies which is a positively, bright, happy-endings, believe in yourself company which I completely support. Very, very, very BAD acting, but GREAT quality of message, light hearted and no innuendos of any sort but whatever Louise Hay preached magnified by 10x. I AM however watching historical tv shows, currently watching "The Spanish Princess" (like watching a historic fiction book on screen). OH! HUGE news: I'm a proud Trekkie! Yes my friends, I have been binge watching Star Trek Original (1960's). Starting there then watching movies and spin offs of Star Trek chronologically.
I never knew how Star Trek was very, very, very far beyond it's years. I've always been interested in science fiction things (aka Metaphysical Sciences Nerd here), so I never knew why I never dug my teeth into this incredible soul matching tv show earlier. My top two favourite tv shows WERE Fringe and Medium two very sci-fi shows. But maaannn.. Star Trek takes the cake! It envelopes all that Fringe AND Medium were to me. Just meshed up in one. Yes, now I have three fav tv shows.
1) Star Trek
2) Medium
3) Fringe (even though it's a bit dark for me now)
All in all, television encompasses all the factors of manifestation (and encoding into the subconscious). Feelings, vision, beliefs and feeling relaxed! The best state to receive information and to project into the future.
Talking about future, I did some digging into the longest running tv shows on this earth. Yes, yes Doctor Who is still going after 41 years, Coronation Street 60 years and Guiding Light (which stop production in 2009). I'm talking about the Simpsons. The longest running AMERICAN CARTOON, animation, comedy series. As I've done more research and found the longest running cartoon series is a Japanese tv show which has been running for 51 years and still in production. BUT The Simpsons! Over 600 episodes and still in production after 32 years. There have been MANY episodes within The Simpsons that have correlated to real life future predictions. Look it up, it's eery. My inner intuition tells me that, that particular tv show is not just telling coincidences that are funny and crazy but actually implanting small, invisible to the unawakened mind, planned situations thought patterns that gives the population comfortable/familiarity, subconsciously, when it actually happens in real life.
So with the Simpsons, my guess is that the creators/productions intentionally designed a platform that is comfortable to the human psyche to tell a vision they are planning (in an incognito way). I know, I know sounds insane but intellectually sounds brilliant. I hope I'm turning into Einstein, am I? 😍
Anyways, very long post but I felt very passionate about this!! I am now very careful with whatever I watch television wise or media wise (as the media isn't truthfully fair but a political battlefield now).
Ending on a positive note, I love you, you matter, your energy is needed in this earth tapestry and however you are feeling it is valid. Know you are worthy of your own love, and you are your best friend and lover before anybody else. Remember that all feelings fully felt leads to love. You need more love not less. I am very thankful you exist in this world as your soul light is unique and essential to this earth's mission!
That's all for now Lovelies 💗💗
Take care,
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"Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye." ~ Bill Hicks |
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