Why Am I Vegan?
Being fed only deception and lies
Keeping me docile, painted white in my eyes
But my spirit is stronger than that which you feed me
My soul contract knows it's time to break free
Step into the life I was meant to live
For what I enjoy in life is something I can plentifully give
Dear EveryBeauty,
As of October 1st 2020 I am a very happy herbivore (Vegan). Many things navigated me towards this lifestyle but only a couple things made me feel comfortable being official.
Let me speak into the things that navigated me towards veganisum....
I was going to categorize all the things into spiritual/mental/emotional/environmental etc but I found that just telling it like it is, is a lot more free flowing, plus it all meshes together.
So for about 3ish years I've been off and on vegan, not quite understanding the deep depths of how eating animals and animals excretions (aka dairy) impacts the environment plus the physical body. For many, many, many years animals have been abused and people know about this but they keep on eating because it's just normal. But I went digging into animal agriculture and it was devastating and traumatizing witnessing all the animals in the industrial/commercial producing environment being abused! Then digging more and more into my own self development, spiritual journey I realized that animals have DNA, just like us. So even though a very holistic, gentle, loving farmer who takes care of their chickens/cows or pigs, their DNA from their (the animal's) ancestors traumas still lie in their atoms. Because if we hold 7 generations back in our DNA, I would think that mammals do too. With all that said and done, I personally didn't want the traumatized chicken's ancestors fear/anger travelling down into my stomach, streaming into my bloodstream, becoming one with my aura/body.
I do know that everything IS energy and that even a person can drink poison (this is with someone who can and does this on the daily manipulate and transcend particle energies with ease) can still live and be extremely healthy and vibrant. But because I am not that, and don't have plans on being that 24/7 I choose this path.
With history of being lactose intolerant excluding dairy was (still is) a no brainer, but excluding poultry (as meat doesn't ever appeal to me unless it's at a 5 star restaurant) was still an iffy thing. Looking into how meat and poultry are treated and looking at it in a spiritual perspective with the 7 generations, I also felt that eating that won't help me delve deeper into my spiritual life (connecting with my angels, spirit guides, etc). To be a cleaner vessel to connect with spirit (even though IT IS completely possible to eat meat and dairy and still connect). Just for me personally I feel in my bones, that being vegan is the path towards having a clearer aura/emotional body, etc.
So any-who, disliking handling raw meat and finding out all that I found (including how even bees are being abused in commercial productions; that was a complete shocker to me) I went on a search to find a dietitian who can recommend how to be a balanced vegan and not be deficient in protein as that is the running concern on everyone's mind when someone goes vegan (and at that time, mine too). No such luck finding an in person dietician. BUT as Instagram is a great source of finding whatever you want and need and while I was hastagging my "what I eat in a day as a vegan" posts I found out some great book recommendations by current vegans for becoming a vegan. One of which is called "Becoming a Vegan" by two dieticians that is my holy grail for what/how and how much with being vegan. And I also have a wonderful book by a doctor who was a meat eater who is now a full fledged vegan himself and he shares his discovers plus his own journey from a meat eater to a vegan. So I am now a full vegan, discovering balance with the help from a couple books.
Plus with all that is being played out in this game called life in 2020, I felt it is about time I get clean in my body and find out what feels right to me. Life is a game and literally anything is possible (example; 2020) so as next year is a year of disclosure I hear from reliable sources, I'm getting strong in my core self through my balanced eating as a vegan and getting stronger with my spirit/soul tools with my angels/spirit guides. Listening more to my core self than relying solely on external information.
I completely understand people who cannot go vegan themselves which I respect their life and it's their journey, I'm just explaining my journey and my choice for my life.
I am now confident to say that my future husband to be whoever that lucky bastard will be, he needs to have my same values with animals/environment as I do. And I won't fault him if he has a couple ounces of chicken in a year due to extreme circumstances whatever they may be as he and I are human and we have "human days". Just need him to be 95% vegan as I am. As I know I will have "human days" and will have some chicken or cheese due to extreme circumstances.
So yes, that is why I am vegan. I know I don't have to go into detail into what they do because it's be out for years so I don't see any use rehashing it here. I just know for myself in what I am doing in this lifetime that I am getting warmer and warmer to my true heart/soul/spirit self that is my soul contract here.
Super excited to tell you all that I am going to be complete in my 200hr YTT by next month and by next year I'll be working on my DOCTORATE in Metaphysical Sciences (because why not?!)! Super duper excited!! 😃Oooo plus I have plans on giving tarot readings (by donation) online or in person. I feel that is my path! 😄
That's all my lovelies! 😍💙💛💜
Much Love,
Ahn xoxoxo
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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti |
Cwtch (a Welsh word)
:more than a cuddle or a hug, when you give someone a cwtch, you figuratively give them a 'safe place'
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