Remove Me Please

No you are Wrong, I am Right
Show me your brain, I'll show you my might
I will prove to you I'm better, just give me a letter
I'll write you my side calling you out 
But Fuck wait, what is this really all about?

Warning: I use profanity a bit more than usual 😬

Dear EveryBeauty, 

I am coming to you because I cannot get this out of my mind. I have looked at both "sides" of the current narrative here in life right now of 2020. What a fucking year it has been!! And I have to say I can understand and see both sides. One thing I dislike being in the middle is that you have compassion and the space to value both and not one over the other. I have talked and discussed both "conspiracy theories" and "facts" on both sides and IT IS fucking confusing. Why isn't anybody else confused? If you truly look into both sides of this, you can see AND feel they are both right in their own right! 

With me, I love using my brains but I also love using my heart/intuition. I love holding space for everyone to speak up and use their voice. And with many of my family members (and I believe I'm not the only one) who have fought over BLM and the OTHER current narrative. It has split families apart. And it truly has saddened my heart. Something so simple as health has turned into a war/debate on a global scale. I am not saying one is right over the other. I do see there are lies on both sides and truths on both sides. The problem with all of this is IT IS heresy. If everyone, I mean EVERYONE who is talking about this was AT the event that happened WHEN IT happened THEN it would be credible. Was EVERYONE there in the event WITH the powerful people who said those things on the news BEFORE it all went to social media? I desire to know if anybody was there, actually there to speak up because if you weren't there or read if off of an article or fact sheets, you really don't know. I do believe nobody REALLY knows. And the UNKNOWN is scary, the logical mind literally cannot comprehend the unknown. 

But when you sink into your heart and open your intuition you know in your depths deeper than your bones what is real and not real to you. As everybody clicks with different perspectives and beliefs and THAT IS OKAY. What you say is valid and needed. 

That is why I desire to be removed from picking a "side" or believing/not believing one thing. My belief system is when I am around you, I will respect your choice in how you want to live your life in these uncertain times. Do you want a hug? Do you need me to stay 6 feet apart from you? Because I believe in "both" sides but not really, I believe both sides have half truths and half lies blown out of proportion. As life is not black or white, as people's experiences ARE different, no one size fits all in these circumstances I believe, unless we're talking about gravity. You can't escape gravity on Earth! 😜

So for me I will hold loving, compassionate, accepting space for anybody's evidence, facts, beliefs, experiences to be heard because all that is valid in a world of TRUE diversity. 

I love and cherish all people who have a beating heart! 💗💗
You all are meant to be here in these CRAZY times and come into your own. The best home you will ever find is the home that lies within as there you will know you are connected to everything and everything has your back. 

Take care of yourselves, and know you are worthy of your own love!! 

Much Love, 
Ahn xoxoxoxo


I Could NOT choose a perfect quote to put here so here
are a few that I love:

"Mankind must put an end to war before war
puts an end to mankind." ~ John F. Kennedy

"I know not with what weapons World War III 
will be fought, but World War IV will be 
fought with sticks and stones." ~ Albert Einstein

"The object of war is not to die for your country
but to make the other bastard die for his." ~ George
S. Patton 

Word of the Day
: the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life; spiritual conversion.  


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