What Are You Truly Afraid Of?

Afraid to step outside that line 
In a new territory, an unpaved guideline 
But when the soul is dying inside the cage 
There will be signs of festering rage 
To stand in your divine path of uniqueness
To grow from the standard bleakness 
And embrace your bright light awesomeness  

Dear EveryBeauty,

This has been on my mind lately. Spiders are the things I am most afraid of. But when you think about spiders, do spiders really want to eat you and feast on your flesh? Have you met any spider that has an agenda every day, to hunt for human flesh? Yes, they can be annoying and bothersome, but really they are the ones hungry for mosquitoes (the ones actually hungry for flesh)  and when your house is dirty they love to set up shop to eat the bugs that crawl around. Anywho, what I'm saying is that fear of spiders is only in our head/heart and they are not truly, physically feared creatures unless scientists create a spider the size of a dog programmed to eat humans, THEN your fear is granted and logical! 

So what is the underlining symbolism of fear of spiders? What do spiders symbolize spiritually that can correlate to life itself? 
A few things the spider symbolizes: 

⤞ Feminine Energy
⤅ Creativity 
⤔ Communicator 
→ Shadow Self 

When I look at my life, I was always afraid of embracing my feminine energy and realizing that I am a born female. Many times in my past, I always thought I would suit better as a male, but as I have grown and journeyed to this time and space, I'm loving and embracing the joys of womanhood. Loving my body parts and thanking my body for the miracles it does when I unfortunately abuse it without knowing (which I am currently working on being more aware). I also was afraid of embracing my extremely creative side, and very talkative side. Not liking that I don't fit in the the "normal crowd" and that my life journey is a more creative venture. My mother always encouraged me in my creative side and I enjoyed it to a point (as any teenager would with an encouraging parent) but I rebelled against her and pushing my creative side to try and fit in, but ultimating after rebelling I came back and am starting to embrace my creative side again and incorporating it into my life. Being a novelist/writer/author is a creative endeavour which is a talkative career, if I don't say so myself. ;)  Developing loving kindness towards my shadow self (my addictions and flaws) has always frightened me and sounded bogus. But why push away and shut out the aspect that is only crying out to be loved and heard? Your shadow self will always be with you or it could go away, so why not embrace it and love it and have fun with it? Feels backwards right? But feels good though? This got deep fast! 

When you become (or are) afraid of an animal or insect, think twice about it and go inwards to see what that Mother Earth creature is here to teach you. We are all aspects of the same unconditional love that lives above and below us, it's just us in this material world get to play this multi-dimensional game of life. Are you afraid of snakes? Birds (eagles, owls)? Giraffes? Or if you don't want to look at it, all good, enjoy it, it's your magical life, everything is divine, I bless you! <3 <3 

You are amazing, shining your unique self that you are!! 

Take care,
Ahn xoxoxo


"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
~ Eleanor Rossevelt

Word of the Night
: fearless 


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