Reasons Why
A deep knowing is living within this skin of mine
Aware and wake to know everything is divine
There will be stress and there will be strain
But it's all the glorious growing pains
For in the journey I will find gems
Through my new crystalline lens
Dear EveryBeauty,
Wow, I cannot believe Christmas is literally this Monday, in three days!!!
Crazy how I feel though, because strangely I'm not as stoked as I've been before. I don't know what it is, but I know it could be because I'm growing up and I'm seeing things differently. Or maybe I'm just tired, or maybe I'm feeling the powerful energy of the Christmas Holidays! I don't know it's a very strange feeling. I really hope next year my spirits for the Christmas Holiday will be more hyped and spiked (in a good way).
I wanted to post today because I'm very excited about this coming year 2018! I'm planning on creating and STICKING TO IT my Youtube Channel. I believe this time, I'm not looking for fame or fortune, I'm looking for community and friends. My "subscribers" will be my long-lost friends. I don't look at youtube as a money machine or a fame drilling audition for the future. I'm just creating and starting this channel because I have HUGE dreams and I know that, once I put myself out there and be authentically me, no masks, I will find my tribe. And yes, there will be hate-typing drones telling me I'm ugly, etc, crap like that. But I'll look to them as just someone who needs more love not less.
I also want to find friends who want to do a BBIIIG trip I am planning in 3 years! One of the biggest and most outrageous trips I will ever do in my entire life.
I also want to create this channel because I want to help people, make a difference in somebody's life. I don't know how I will but I'm just going to be my authentic self and see where that takes me. I really feel this in my bones that I need to start this channel. See where it takes me and to set my dreams high, because I KNOW my only limit is myself. I tell myself what to do, and I'm in control of my life. I'm an adult now! Sky's the limit!
I am soo blessed and thankful! I have the freedom to make a Youtube channel. And I have you guys to talk to. That's pretty nifty. 😊
Love you All! You matter, you belong here because you exist and are living!
Enjoy the Holidays and I'll talk to you guys in the New Year 2018! 🎄🎊
Keeping shinning your authentic beautiful light!
Luv you,
Ahn xxoo

Aware and wake to know everything is divine
There will be stress and there will be strain
But it's all the glorious growing pains
For in the journey I will find gems
Through my new crystalline lens
Dear EveryBeauty,
Wow, I cannot believe Christmas is literally this Monday, in three days!!!
Crazy how I feel though, because strangely I'm not as stoked as I've been before. I don't know what it is, but I know it could be because I'm growing up and I'm seeing things differently. Or maybe I'm just tired, or maybe I'm feeling the powerful energy of the Christmas Holidays! I don't know it's a very strange feeling. I really hope next year my spirits for the Christmas Holiday will be more hyped and spiked (in a good way).
I wanted to post today because I'm very excited about this coming year 2018! I'm planning on creating and STICKING TO IT my Youtube Channel. I believe this time, I'm not looking for fame or fortune, I'm looking for community and friends. My "subscribers" will be my long-lost friends. I don't look at youtube as a money machine or a fame drilling audition for the future. I'm just creating and starting this channel because I have HUGE dreams and I know that, once I put myself out there and be authentically me, no masks, I will find my tribe. And yes, there will be hate-typing drones telling me I'm ugly, etc, crap like that. But I'll look to them as just someone who needs more love not less.
I also want to find friends who want to do a BBIIIG trip I am planning in 3 years! One of the biggest and most outrageous trips I will ever do in my entire life.
I also want to create this channel because I want to help people, make a difference in somebody's life. I don't know how I will but I'm just going to be my authentic self and see where that takes me. I really feel this in my bones that I need to start this channel. See where it takes me and to set my dreams high, because I KNOW my only limit is myself. I tell myself what to do, and I'm in control of my life. I'm an adult now! Sky's the limit!
I am soo blessed and thankful! I have the freedom to make a Youtube channel. And I have you guys to talk to. That's pretty nifty. 😊
Love you All! You matter, you belong here because you exist and are living!
Enjoy the Holidays and I'll talk to you guys in the New Year 2018! 🎄🎊
Keeping shinning your authentic beautiful light!
Luv you,
Ahn xxoo

Word of the Night
1. Exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; especially delicious or fragrant.
2. Worthy of the gods; divine.
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