Original Song Time :)

The energy around just ebbed and flew
Throwing me around like I never knew
Stirring the pot to create anew
Hitting speed bumps but I still go
What came out was such whizzo

Dear EveryBeauty,

I honestly, didn't know what to post so I just decided I post a song I created! :)
I have the video down below and here are the lyrics:


There Was A Boy
by Ahn van Mentz

There was a boy
Who sat by me and said
Spread your wings and fly
There's no need to disguise 

The beauty within you
Just shines through true
So I let it, to shine through
And through all the clouds I have found

Ocean blue skies
Swimming through paradise
Sometimes not so nice
But I know, it all goes
Full circle
Through these words...

There was a boy
Who sat by me and said
Spread your wings and fly
There's no need to disguise 


That's all for now Lovelies!

Luv you, Ahn xxooxoo

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it
is impossible to be silent." ~ Victor Hugo

Word of the Day
1.Theology. occurring before the Fall:
the prelapsarian innocence of Eden.
2.Characteristic of or pertaining to any innocent or carefree period:
a prelapsarian youth.


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