My Depression Right Now
Dear EveryBeauty,
I want to be authentic on this blog. So I deliberated whether to write this out or not. But this is coming from a place of reaching out and telling my inner/right now truth. I've been depressed before but I feel this depression is wayyyyyy different from my previous depression. This one is clearer on why! I know the answers but I just don't know WHERE to go to fulfill the answers. So here it is.
My depression stems from 2 precise things:
1) No community (soul sisters/tribe)
2) Service (making a difference in people's lives)
I've been very depressed lately and I don't know how to get out of it. The only things I KNOW will cure it is those two things. Sadly in my SMALL town, and with my BIG ideas, the two don't fit and I'm left in this depression.
I want/ I have a drive to change people's lives. To have a campfire party. To make Kombucha with friends, to hike, to dance together, to cook holistic meals and eat it together with laughter and music!
I need a community of garden loving, nature nurturing, sharing, hiking, juicing, helping, healing, travelling, laughing, crying, diversifying, acceptance breeding friends!
I need a service that will change people's lives for the better, to help people see they are here for a reason. To know by them being here on Earth, they are on PURPOSE. They matter and that I love them! A service I am honoured to be a part of to create a better world for the next generations to come.
I'm in a small town where people my age are either in college (small town college with no courses that interest me) or a stay at home mom or have a 9-5 job to support their growing family (dog, cat and two kids, a husband, picket fence and a deep dark mortgage to keep up with). I'm none of those things.
I'm a sensitive empath who loves animals, children, creativity, nature, healthy, fitness, metaphysics and a pull to build a different system that is sustainable for my children's children. To harness their sensitivities and use them for the good of all. A system where your sensitivities are honoured and harnessed. A system where your gifts are gifts to the world (without any piece of paper saying so). A system where the two hemispheres of your brain are worked TOGETHER and used on a daily basis. To honour the land and work with the land, to see nature as our teacher.
I feel very lonely.
Am I lonely? Do you have the same thoughts, feeling, perceptions, visions?
Much Loves my Beauties,
Ahn xxoo

I want to be authentic on this blog. So I deliberated whether to write this out or not. But this is coming from a place of reaching out and telling my inner/right now truth. I've been depressed before but I feel this depression is wayyyyyy different from my previous depression. This one is clearer on why! I know the answers but I just don't know WHERE to go to fulfill the answers. So here it is.
My depression stems from 2 precise things:
1) No community (soul sisters/tribe)
2) Service (making a difference in people's lives)
I've been very depressed lately and I don't know how to get out of it. The only things I KNOW will cure it is those two things. Sadly in my SMALL town, and with my BIG ideas, the two don't fit and I'm left in this depression.
I want/ I have a drive to change people's lives. To have a campfire party. To make Kombucha with friends, to hike, to dance together, to cook holistic meals and eat it together with laughter and music!
I need a community of garden loving, nature nurturing, sharing, hiking, juicing, helping, healing, travelling, laughing, crying, diversifying, acceptance breeding friends!
I need a service that will change people's lives for the better, to help people see they are here for a reason. To know by them being here on Earth, they are on PURPOSE. They matter and that I love them! A service I am honoured to be a part of to create a better world for the next generations to come.
I'm in a small town where people my age are either in college (small town college with no courses that interest me) or a stay at home mom or have a 9-5 job to support their growing family (dog, cat and two kids, a husband, picket fence and a deep dark mortgage to keep up with). I'm none of those things.
I'm a sensitive empath who loves animals, children, creativity, nature, healthy, fitness, metaphysics and a pull to build a different system that is sustainable for my children's children. To harness their sensitivities and use them for the good of all. A system where your sensitivities are honoured and harnessed. A system where your gifts are gifts to the world (without any piece of paper saying so). A system where the two hemispheres of your brain are worked TOGETHER and used on a daily basis. To honour the land and work with the land, to see nature as our teacher.
I feel very lonely.
Am I lonely? Do you have the same thoughts, feeling, perceptions, visions?
Much Loves my Beauties,
Ahn xxoo

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